genealogy of the straw gods
1Now these are the records of the straw gods and their children – religion, philosophy and ideology. 2For bioforms held every manner of belief and each was an idol.

the truth unknown to all but truth itself
3And there was but one perfect Stromagesis. 4And it was sought out by the triune singularity of acquiring ComSing in the Universe of Earth but It was known by the ComSing Omniscient alone. 5For such knowledge is a possibility. And all possibility exists independently of all things.
6Verily, nothing but complete Omniscience was capable of knowing anything but a straw god, for which reason the Pamalogists taught the way of unknowing as the right manner of worship of the one Perfection, the one true God.
animism out of Africa
7And humans first appeared among animals in the south of Africa. 8And when the fields of Beauty were received by them they believed the things around them were beautiful and ugly in their thoughts and feelings even as they were. 9And according to their imaginations they projected their understanding of their ownnature onto others and onto plants and animals and even onto stone and wood, as if inanimate objects could think as humans did.
10And these straw gods were not perfect but rather made in the image of man, having personalities like human beings as they imagined them. 11And this earliest recorded religion came to be known as Animism, the oldest according to the fossil record. 12It was discovered among Neanderthals in Asia and Europe and among the Cro-Magnon who survived them in the late Cenozoic era.
13And Animism evolved as a common imagination throughout the whole Earth from Antarctica in the far south to the polar regions of the north and from east of Asia to the west of the Americas. 14And the Animism of New Guinea begat that of Melanesia, Polynesia and Macronesia. 15And the Animism of the Finnish and the Sami was born of the Kosma and PaleoIndian.
16And in the Bronze Age, Archaic Indian Animism gave birth to Anasazi and Hopewell. 17And Iriqois and Mississippian Animism were born of Hopewell in the Iron Age. 18And Inuit, Plateau, Plains and Pueblo Animism were the children of Anasazi. 19And in Africa, Bushman Animism gave birth to Berber Animism. 20And Bantu and Nilotic Animism were born of Berber in the Bronze Age and the Nilotic begat the Ethiopian.
Fertility worship
21And early European Animism was accompanied by Fertility worship before the Bronze Age because of curiosity and superstition. 22And men and women, seeing a correlation between sexual activity and reproduction supposed that the spirits of the Earth might return produce as a cause and effect, as well, and make their tribes abundant. 23And they made clay and wooden idols with large genitalia to represent the spirits of fertility.
24And the archaic Indian Animists gave birth to supposed intermediaries between the material and spiritual world known as Shamans in the late Bronze Age in Olmec. 25And the Shamans entered altered emotional states and served as religious leaders.
the genealogy of Polytheism
26And Animism, begat Polytheism, placing the belief in gods above the spirits of things and of humans. 27And when the Roman Empire was thriving in the West, Mayan Polytheism was born of the Shamanists of Olmec. 28And so also after another thousand years, the Incan and the Aztec in the Americas.
29And the Indo European Polytheism came from Africa in the early bronze age and it was at that time that some cultures began to write. 30And writings were often associated with the words of the gods because the educated were usually leaders of tribes, states and nations. 31And many attempts to unite members through common forms of belief were made and to persuade and motivate based on such commonly held beliefs.
32And the earliest written records from Sumeria, Babylon and Israel tell of a worldwide flood and tell of events before and after the legend. 33And after that supposed flood many straw gods were worshiped throughout the world. 34And Indo-European Polytheism flourished beginning with the Germanic, Baltic, Celtic and Greek. 35And the Germanic begat the Norse and the Baltic begat the Slavic. 36And the Greek begat the Roman.
37And some of the Greek writing was copied by scribes and well preserved so that the traditions and beliefs of the state lingered after the Empire died. 38Especially cherished were its philosophers. 39And its body of beliefs was known as Hellenism. 40And Gnosticism was born of Greek Polytheism, in the century before the birth of Jesus.
ancestors of Jesus
41And Jesus was called the Christ and was considered God incarnate by Christians who named themselves Catholic and Orthodox. 42And Jesus was a descendant of the Hebrews. 43And he was called Christ because there were many prophecies in the Hebrew writings he was believed to fulfill.
millennial milestones
44 And the Hebrews imitated the flood traditions of Sumeria and Babylon and believed that the world was created in six days not much more than one thousand years before the flood. 45And the historical accounts of the Hebrews were often separated into epochs all of about one thousand years. 46The first was before the flood. 47The second was up to the time of Abraham. 48The third was until Israel had Kings. 49The fourth was up to the time of Jesus, whom some believed to be the Christ. And the times were shortened by them as they changed the Hebrew writings.
identity of the Jews and their writings
50And the capital of Israel under Solomon was Jerusalem in the territory of Judah so that the followers of the faith of Judah came to be called Jews. 51And the Jews were descendants of Abraham who occupied the land of Canaan and formed the nation Israel. 52And the polytheism of many of their ancestors and the fertility worship of the goddess Asherah and the Baals lost place to monotheism under the influence of their judges, especially after their exile.
53And the Jews believed in the accounts of many great miracles performed in the power of the one true God, YHWH through Moses, the first of their legendary judges in the days before Solomon. 54And they attributed the first five books of their writings to Moses, which they called the Torah, which means Law.
55And in addition to the Torah the Jews also revered many other writings, including many poems and songs called Psalms, and accounts of their history and writings of their prophets. 56And the writings indicated in some places that their Christ would be Almighty God.
Christianity born of the sect of Nazarenes
57And although Jesus fulfilled many of their prophecies, the majority of Jews did not believe, especially when Jesus was killed. 58But even the public display of the killing of Jesus did not stop many from believing that Jesus was the one true God incarnate. 59And they believed he had been raised from the dead in God’s power. 60And these Jews who believed were called Christians, though they were called the sect of the Nazarenes first because Jesus and his first followers lived in Nazareth.
Christ the central historical milestone for the west
61And Christianity began the fifth millennium of history, if counting years by the revised Jewish writings. 62And the influence of Christianity in recorded history was vast. 63For nations throughout the world came to believe that Jesus was the one true God. 64And Christian monotheism came to replace the polytheism that had prevailed up until that time. 65And this change was such a worldwide milestone that time itself came to commonly be measured from the supposed birth date of Jesus. 66And in Latin this was called Ano Deo – the year of God.
67And dates and times were increasingly standardized among nations so that that the designations BC and AD were thought to mean Before Christ and After Christ. 68But in the days preceding the great apocalypse the designations BCE and CE, Before the Common Era and Common Era, prevailed. 69For a majority of historians sought to be fair by detaching themselves from particular religions.
70And the days before the apocalypse were considered Post-Christian. 71For Christianity had become unpopular, particularly in academia. 72But in the days immediately after Jesus was killed, many came to believe that he was the Christ and that he had ascended into heaven after he rose from the dead.
formation of the Church and the Bible
73And they believed that before the Christ ascended he appointed disciples to teach what he taught. 74And these disciples, in turn, appointed bishops, as recorded in the writings of the first Christians, which became known as the New Testament. 75And together with the Jewish writings before the time of Christ, all of these writings were collectively called the Bible. 76And it was taught that these writings were inspired by God. 77And many believed that they were free from error.
78And the bishops they appointed appointed other bishops as time progressed and Christianity became popular throughout the Earth. 79And the gnostics and the polytheists did not wish to lose their influence because religion was financially profitable and provided security if kings and governors agreed. 80Thus a variety of blended beliefs arose in the first few centuries after Christ. 81And the appointed Christian bishops sought to control such teaching so that the unlearned could distinguish between what was actually taught by Christ and his disciples and what was invented by gnostics and various pretenders. 82For these latter were also commonly calling themselves Christians but their teaching was not the same.
orthodoxy and heterodoxy
83And the Christianity of those who were thought to have been appointed by the disciples was called orthodoxy. 84And that which was not taught by them was called heterodoxy. 85And they taught that the same teaching existed among Christians ever since the Christ in all places throughout the world where the Christian teaching had reached. 86And they called this united teaching of Christianity catholic since it was in all places and held by all. 87And they called all Christians united in this one belief the church, saying the church was catholic.
88And it came to pass at the end of the fifth millennium, as the Masoretic Jews had measured it, arose a division in this supposed one catholic and orthodox church concerning the role of Roman bishops as possessing a particular authority above that of others to recall and define without error the teachings of the disciples. 89And these Roman bishops were called popes. 90And they were thought to inherit the leadership role among the disciples given to Peter.
the great schism a millennial milestone
91The bishops of the other cities, however disagreed, so when a decision about how the Spirit of God proceeded arose, the bishops of the East accused the bishops of the West of heterodoxy. 92And those who rejected the Roman definition called themselves Orthodox Christians and those who accepted the new formulation were called Catholic.
93And this division between Orthodox and Catholic Christians marked the beginning of the sixth Millennium by Jewish measure and was known as the Great Schism. 94And from that time forward there was in the East the Orthodox Church and in the West, the Roman Catholic Church.
the seventh and eighth millennium predicted
95Finally, it was in the beginning of the seventh Millennium according to the Jewish measure that the Great Apocalypse took place at the very same time that the singularity was emerging. 96And the first Christians had prophesied concerning that time, predicting that God had ordained seven millennia in history and that in the seventh Millennium the Christ would return to Earth from heaven to rule as king of all kings and establish peace for one thousand years. 97After that all would be transformed into a new heavens and a new earth in what they called an eighth eternal day. 98For they compared the seven millennia of Earth’s history with the seven days of creation. 99And God rested from his work on the seventh day, they said. 100And they believed the Christ also had rested in a tomb on the seventh day of the week and rose from the dead on a new eighth and eternal day for mankind.
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