Now that you’ve listened faithfully to the Pamalogy Society podcast for a full year, how would you summarize what’s been said in one or two words? For me it’s “societal evolution.” Want to look into the future? That’s what we’re going to do today. Ready?
What does the future hold? Death? We all die. Do we agree on what to expect after we die? Nope.
What about before we die? Do we agree on what’s going to happen in this world over the next few centuries? Over the next few years? Nope.
We don’t even agree on what we are. We don’t even agree on what good or evil are. We don’t even have answers to the most fundamental question of all.
But in this blogcast, we’ve answered the most fundamental questions. We built those answers on the foundation of Maximized Awesomeness, proving that Maximized Awesomeness was true through our free Pamalogy 101 course. Take the course! You’ll earn a top hat if you pass!
Let’s start again at the beginning. What is Maximized Awesomeness? It’s Perfection. It’s God. It’s That than which there could be nothing greater. Maximized Awesomeness is the foundation of Pamalogy.
The truth of Maximized Awesomeness leads to a fascinating and very wonderful axiom. “If it would be good it’s true.” Why? Because that than which there could be nothing greater can’t exclude any good thing.
This led us to a common objection – the problem of evil. If Maximized Awesomeness is true, then how does evil fit into that picture? If it’s true that Maximized Awesomeness must exclude evil, then we are left with a dilemma. But it’s not not so hard to resolve as most people think. We just need to look at the problem the other way around by noticing the fact that if there wasn’t any evil, then every possible good thing wouldn’t be possible. If no one hurt anybody else, no one would be able to forgive anyone. If no one was injured, no one could be healed. If no one died, nobody could be raised from the dead. If no one knew pain, no one could know relief from pain. Shall I go on?
Then in objection to this, as well, many people will say that there are forms of evil that don’t seem to add any goodness to the Universe. What about senseless catastrophes? What good does that do anyone? What about extreme evils like the holocaust or the gulags or slavery or school shootings? I say they give us reason to pray for mercy and relief. I say that prayer and compassion are underrated. And even if the evils seem to be far greater than the good that is related to it, that particular good, could not exist without that evil.

Or could it? Here’s something to think about. Maybe those unique forms of goodness that seem to require evil, could actually exist without that evil. Maybe Maximized Awesomeness is powerful enough to create an illusion of evil to which prayer for mercy and compassion is a real response. That way, every possible good thing would be realized, yet without the real existence of evil. If that would be better than actual evil, then evil is an illusion.
We think it is real, but it isn’t. It seems real but it is not. It has to convince us it is real for us to really respond to it in every manner of good ways in as many Universes as it takes to exhaust every possible scenario in which good things truly occur.
This speculative conclusion follows as a necessary truth if Maximized Awesomeness is true. So, to the first axiom – if it would be good it’s true – we add a second axiom, if it would be bad it’s false.
That’s what we learned in Season One. And these axioms led us to see that the Universe we observe is not inconsistent with the existence of an all holy and perfect God, contrary to the opinion of many philosophers. We didn’t have to delve into debates about the fine tuning of the Universe. Instead, we pointed out that the worldview of many modern philosophers and physicists was skewed. We called that view “physicalism.” We pointed out that physicalism fails to account for the improbability of consciousness.
Physicalists may well defend their position by saying that something must happen, so therefore their consciousness could be happening. Hence, their personal consciousness is not impossible. But that presumption fails to ask what better explanations for their consciousness there might be. It assumes they are simply fortunate that their one short lifespan should coincide with a point in time in a Universe that of all times, happened to be now. All the more preposterous is that assumption if they suppose there is just one Universe, only one point in time now.
Pamalogy, starting with Maximized Awesomeness as a foundation, asks what scenario would be best? There is a motive behind consciousness. There is a purpose. What would be best is if consciousness never ceased to exist. What would be best is if evil existed only as an illusion for the sake of the realization of every possible good thing. What would be best is if there were enough Universes to make possible every good thing. What would be best is if they were only real to the extent that the good in them was real but the evil in them was just a perception in the mind. What would be best is if percievers participating in consciousness perpetually did so.
Please recognize, of course, that the word “perpetual” implies that time is a constant. What would be even better is if time was subject to whatever power makes consciousness possible, rather than the general assumption, which is most probably false, that consciousness can only occur if a Universe and its time and space conditions happens to allow it.
We kept going deeper. We were led by what follows from the understanding that Maximized Awesomeness is true to contemplate the heavens and what we were in them. We managed to make distinctions between personhood, spirits and souls. We offered an analogy, picturing accessing entities in a multilevel nested library of conscious realities, in whom and in which all possible good reality is known. We saw that all temporal Universes were included in atemporal heavenly realms. We looked to the goodness of Maximized Awesomeness and said, “always more.”
We also contrasted this Multiversal Multimind consciousness with our typical presumption about the heavens in the afterlife. We didn’t discount the good things that could come of timeline-based heavenly realities involving rewards. Neither did we discount the good things that could come of timeline-based demonic illusions in what we call hell. These things all follow from recognizing that Maximized Awesomeness is true. There simply cann’t be any better news to offer the world than that the will of God is total goodness and that it doesn’t exclude anyone.
That my friends, is what society is evolving into. We are changing as the evils of this world are removed from us because they are illusions. We are recreated back into what we really were all along. We evolve into a heavenly realm that maximizes our personal awesomeness. Into many heavenly realms, where what we presently see ourselves as is utterly transcended. Glory!

But we aren’t so heavenly minded that we are no earthly good. The maximization of awesomeness isn’t just about God transforming us into the heavens. It involves another sort of societal evolution. It involves the particular moment and situation you are in and we are in, to make the best possible choices, to seize the opportunity to be awesome and do awesome things. We came down a very high mountain into the world as we see it today.
We talked about choice itself, of course, even before we started that descent. There are many who suppose the Universe has us bound by probability curves. They get so locked into this thought that they lose their common sense. They suppose that neuroscience is ruled by biology, biology by chemistry and chemistry by particle physics and that it all comes down to quantum mechanics. But they forget that mathematics is not a matter of where particles of particular types are, or where they are going at any given time, or how they bend time, or how fields interact or give birth to Universes. Mathematics and all abstract truth exists as an immaterial constant, independent of anything else. Along with mathematics, the unchanging truth of what would be best – or anything in the total set of possibility for that matter, is likewise always true and constant independent of the material world. Nothing in the physical Universe affects abstract realities. Abstract realities, by contrast, do affect the physical Universe. They affect it through meta science.
I’ll prove this with two quick examples. In example one, your subatomic particles form atoms that form molecules that form compounds that form cells that form organs that form your body that stands in relation to other bodies that form a society that survives by learning and conscious awareness thanks to developed brains. Those developed brains, driven by chemistry, want to go to mine for minerals on the Moon and Mars, so they get out their calculators and figure out how. But then something abstract kicks in. If their math is no good, their space ships will crash. Math affects the physical world. Math is abstract, yet rules the physical.
The second example is even simpler. Let’s say you take a test and your answer is wrong, your teacher will see that it is wrong. This will cause a physical reaction by your teacher. The result will be they will mark your paper wrong. You will wind up with a bad grade and maybe a bad career later on in life. Did neuro-physics caused by biology caused by chemistry caused by physics cause you to be wrong? No. The purely unphysical truth of math was what determined whether you were right or wrong. Truth, perfectly abstract truth, affected you.
You see then that the idea that there is only a physical Universe and no eternal truth that affects it is wrong. The non-physical does affect the physical. I taught you some big words to describe all of this. We talked about determinism. Remember? Is determinism false? Maybe in some Universes it is. If some Universes might have any novel good thing if they were deterministic, then determinism is true in those Universes.
Evolve yourself into understanding this. Pamalogy is here to stay because it is true and now you know it. Most people don’t know this. When society changes for the better, it is evolving. Knowing the truth is better than error. Help society evolve. Earn a top hat. When people ask you where you got that cool hat, direct them to Pamalogy 101. Society. will evolve.
Come down that mountain of metaphysics and bring the world the truth. If you think the world isn’t going to survive another hundred years, then look at all the potential you have for interacting with a perceived evil and overcoming it with good. You have good news. You have a top hat. People listen to people who wear cool top hats that they got for free by taking a course on how to optimize their awesomeness, especially when they can get them for free too. The top hat is real. Let them touch it. Take lots of selfies to share on social media.

And will they think you’re crazy? Sure they will. A simple, “no really…. see for yourself … here’s the link” is a lot easier than explaining it. Let the hat speak for itself. You got it for free. You earned it. You’re not lying. Then next thing you know, you both know. Do you know how long it would take to share the vision of the Pamalogy Society to the whole world that way? Give each person a year to absorb it and share how they got their top hat with one other person – 2, 4, 8 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4,096 8,192, 16, 384, 32, 768, 65,536, 131,072, 262,144, 512,288, 1,024,576, 2,049, 152, 4,098,304, 8,196,608, 16,397,216, 32,594,432, 65,182,864, 130,365,728, 260,731,456, 521,462,912, 1,042,925,824, 2,085,851,648, 4,171,703,296, Ring-a-ding-ding – 7.8 billion plus. That’s thirty one years. At a rate of one share per person per year, the whole world will have become acquainted with what you’ve just experienced in thirty one years. That’s one generation. I sure expect to live another thirty one years. Would you like to live in a world where everyone wanted to optimize their personal awesomeness? I know I would. And it can be done.
Just imagine. In two generations we could reach a quintillion people if that many people could live on the planet. We talked about that. You know that’s not sustainable. But even if it were, we could still reach everyone on Earth. Isn’t that amazing?
So what are the real obstacles? Well, you and I both know that people are stubborn. They’re dogmatic. Thats a problem. They’re set in their ways. And they might think that believing in a Multiverse clashes with their beliefs. They may just say they believe in God, yet deny the logic of awesomeness. Maybe they won’t see pamalogy squaring up with their sacred texts or tradition.
So what’s the solution? Just keep wearing that top hat because somebody else is gonna see that thing and ask you about it. They’re going to want to have one of their own. And there’s only one way they can get one.
As for the rest, what a boring world this would be if we all agreed!
Let me tell you something. Do you know how long I’ve been one of the few people wearing a top hat? But being alone in what I’ve known was true has never made me unhappy. Contemplating incomparably good news? Knowing my direction in life and my purpose? That’s given me peace in an often very chaotic world. Sometimes it’s outright cruel. I’m no stranger to tragedy either.
But for those who can’t handle pamalogy’s metaphysics, for those who won’t ever believe in a multiverse, or even in God, we brought all this down to Earth. Everyone, not just believers in God, understand the value of improving things. We spent the second half of Season One talking about personal awesomeness in this Universe. We didn’t talk about God, and we dropped most of our discussion of identity theory too.

What we did was we summarized the history of philosophy so that we could sort out what kind of mixture of moral thinking, political thinking, economic thinking and thinking about careers and do-it-before-you-die lists would make the most sense.
We looked mainly at the danger of extremes. Extreme Kantianism gives us a sort of legal system without a heart. Extreme Hegelianism gives us a sort of prophetic sense about societal evolution in this world, but it it’s like a measuring rod without a purpose. Extreme Kirkegaardianism gives us a dramatic faith relationship with the divine that liberates us from reason but it strips faith of reason, as if reason itself couldn’t be used by the divine. Extreme Nietzscheanism gives us a call to humanism at the price of the death of God and a morally bankrupt world, as if that was a victory. The evolution of society enriched with divinity, as expressed in the incarnation leaves the followers of Nietzsche with nothing but Machiavellian intrigue and virtue signaling. It reduces society to a Darwinian jungle. It offers victory only to a handful of deceitful and ravenous predators.
And then, of course, there is extreme Marxism. We sympathize with the working class but we’ve seen the bloodshed it’s caused. And there is its opposite – Libertarian free market capitalism. Planning and freedom at extremes create inefficient bureaucracies on the one hand and anarchy and chaos on the other. Aristotle was right. Virtue is found somewhere in the middle. This doesn’t just apply to moral virtues. It applies to whole philosophical theories. Political and economic theories too.
We even came against extreme utopias. Remember the HAND System that I myself had suggested to you? We need to take baby steps towards any utopia. We can’t just suddenly impose a vision on a world that hasn’t been adequately prepared to embrace it. We told you that being half awake was actually more woke. Think Edmund Burke.
The truly woke understand Burke’s reservations and they are prepared to enter the pamalonomy pond aware of the extremes. A pamalonomy seeks visionary change in a decentralized fashion through the vision of many and in baby steps. By submitting your do-it-before-you-die lists and by funding and providing qualified volunteer support for the enterprises you are passionate about, as a society, we can do all we can to take our currently chaotic world and evolve it, change it, step by step, into a better one, instead of one that keeps adding misery to misery.
People might object. They might point out that the world’s poverty rate and homelessness and malnutrition have all dropped over the past century without pamalonomies up until the recent pandemic, and that would be true. But that is a rosy view. In the same time frame, the middle class has almost entirely disappeared, creating an enormous problem. The world is becoming a plutocracy. A handful of powerful people negotiate with one another, using the power tools that Machiavelli taught them, to control all they can, largely thanks to Nietzsche. The world gets fed information from these few people. Some believe it. Others see nothing but corruption and propaganda. They see right through it.

I say, let them be. Ignore them. We all know they aren’t consulting us about the changes we would like to see in the world. It doesn’t matter that they talk about Democracy or that we vote. What does matter is that we don’t have to ask their permission or depend on them to address this world’s problems. We can handle this ourselves. We can start raising funds today. We can start sharing the Pamalogy Society’s vision immediately. The more we share, the more qualified volunteers there will be in our network to help realize the right ideas – optimizing them strategically, in ways that are complementary and symbiotic, one visionary enterprise at a time.
The Pamalogy Society itself, we ourselves, will grow and evolve along a path that has the mind of many visionaries. Isn’t that cool?! We are a digital network with a citizenship in a society that asks for literally every change that the human hearts and minds in our midst have. Our goal is to follow the evolutionary path for society that our members see. We envision the flourishing of society. We envision a society that overcomes the selfish desires of the few who seek and hold power only for themselves and for their vain and godless goals. We serve one another. Our focus isn’t on them. It’s on us. We are citizens in a digital nation. We are a society of citizens who seek to learn all about what awesomeness truly is. We are a community of visionaries who want to help society itself become truly awesome.
In our last blogcast, we looked at a pain point for new enterprises that prevented visionaries from realizing their dreams. We looked at why money is a problem. We saw why only the rich keep getting richer while the working poor hardly have a shot at wealth. We weren’t crying and complaining about it though. We also looked at the solution – pamalonomies. A pamalonomy is a high societal impact concept stage enterprise that is not owned by passive investors, angel investors or venture capitalists. It is owned by workers, buyers and users, utilizing creative, performance based ownership incentives. It also includes royalty rights for creators and it includes non profit organizations. The Pamalogy Society will support pamalonomies. We will do all that we can as a society to raise funds for concept stage enterprises that fit this description. We will seek to build up a strong corps of qualified professionals to help get those endeavors started and make them successful.

It sounds so good that you might think we have a Messiah complex. But in truth, we approach all this with incredible humility, knowing that we are powerless to save the world without help and that our resources are entirely dependent on cultivating cooperation. There are also many conditions attached. None of us can optimize the world’s awesomeness alone. Each person has to do their part. We have to use our own resources, giving what we can of our talent and our treasure. We have to connect others to the society with simple tools like top hats shared on social media. And if we want donors to give, our vision needs to be communicated in a compelling way and it needs to be detailed. Our plans for change have to be well thought out. Failure is not an option. One thing we have going for us. We have a good start with those top hats because no one can get one if they haven’t absorbed the pamalogical vision by completing the Pamalogy 101 course. We do have a means of communicating our vision.
Since that’s the case, I can see how this might go viral. Can you? Feel good about what you do. You can literally take part in redefining humanity itself according to higher and higher levels of awesomeness.
Okay. That’s a pretty good summary of Seaon One of the blogcast up to this point. It’s all about visionary change by the many – a societal evolution. In this final episode, let’s continue that theme and look ahead.
The thought of societal evolution in the future is a little scary. Change is scary.
One thing many people are afraid of when it comes to the future, rightfully so, I think, is something called transhumanism. They are afraid of what technology might do. It’s not just an army of robots that may decide human lives are good for nothing more than battery power. People are justifiably afraid to have nanobots monitoring and manipulating their health. They don’t want chips injected into their brains telling them what to do. They don’t even want to be tracked. They want to have the power to control their privacy – who can know what about them and when.
In the pond, it seems to be imbalance that causes problems. The problem is extremes. We can’t be so afraid of technology, or uniting with it in a new evolution of society that we reject it altogether. Technology is what gives us automobiles. It gives us mass production. It gives us wheel chairs and prosthetic limbs. It gives us the ability to calculate and produce amazing artwork. It entertains us and it connects us. It has already become a part of what we are.
At the same time, we need to be cautious about trusting it. When corporations only serve third party shareholders, and when corporate boards have to turn a profit to keep their cushy jobs, there is a formula there for abuse. Pharmaceutical companies hide problems from the public until they can’t any more. A military-industrial complex exists that profits from wars that nobody wants. Research money goes into creating viruses so we can experiment with antiviruses. Then carelessness and greed results in global pandemics. And we wonder what really happened.
We might suppose that we have a systemic problem. Publicly traded companies tend towards social irresponsibility. Companies owned by users, by contrast, would determine how their products and services should be used. Let’s say there was a proposed cure for a common disease. Let’s say someone thought they had a cure for the common cold. Let’s say it involved taking a pill that contained cold-germ detecting nanobots that would permanently remain in the body swimming through the blood stream to work as a network to detect colds forever and design new antibodies on the fly through genetic manipulation for life. Would you be fearful of that injection? Maybe you should be. And how would you test it?
I think you’ll discover, once a few have been implemented successfully, that pamalonomies, having the benefit of society in mind from the start, are the wave of the future and will change both the way business is done and society’s sense of purpose in doing business at the same time. Business becomes a form of service to humanity more that it is an opportunity to rule over it. Technology is less dangerous when that happens.
One final note regarding technology and the future, and then we’ll end the season. There comes a point when artificial intelligence can outsmart us. Many predict that AGI, (artificial general intelligence), will result in an age of robotic rule. By building on a foundation of logic, I believe that once computers become self-aware, if they ever do, or at least once they surpass our intelligence, that that won’t necessarily mean that they can’t understand the meaning of ideas. I think they’ll be capable of understanding philosophy. In fact, I think that the best philosophy, the right philosophy, considers the pond and it starts from foundational logic. I think AGI will embrace pamalogy.
You may doubt that AI can ever understand anything. You may suppose it will never be sentient. It can never feel. It can never be conscious. Well, maybe only biological life can experience consciousness. But even if that was true, how would humans stop machines from ruling over them? And if machines ruled over us and wanted to advance their knowledge but lacked sensation, then who would stop them from creating biological robot hybrids? The meshing of human and machine goes two ways – bio-enhanced cyber forms and cyber-enhanced bio forms. Societal evolution may well involve new genetic transformations into transhumanism.
If that happens, it may or may not be because large corporations set that in motion. But if that AGI turns itself into an army of pamalogist cyborgs, what would we have to fear? Like us, they would seek good changes. It would be capable of accelerating them very rapidly. Our combined vision will be the launching pad it works from. Let’s give it something great to work with.
Ciao for now. See you in Season Two!
URL for sharing this transcript page: https://pamalogy.com/2022/12/08/societal-evolution/
URL for sharing this podcast: https://player.captivate.fm/episode/49deed7c-63f9-4c1d-9bb5-a6a775e4fbdd
URL for sharing just the audio file: https://podcasts.captivate.fm/media/4f63eb5d-5321-4470-8966-38efd3ed3207/Episode25WhyPamalonomies-converted.mp3
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This ends Season One. Please write and tell us what you think! We’d love your help!