Planning for Season Two

Dramatic changes are coming to our podcast. Season One taught the theory of awesomeology. It shared the vision of the Pamalogy Society. It described our mission. And it serves as a supplement to our free online course, Pamalogy 101. Pamalogy 101 is being transformed into an interactive course that we hope will serve as a philosophy elective in accredited Universities. That is our goal. It will take a few more iterations to reach that goal. Be patient. Season Two of our podcast will serve as a supplement to Pamalogy 102 – Applied Awesomeology. We hope to release the final version of both courses at the same time. We’ll let you know when it is ready.
Season Two will be a co-hosted podcast with daily guests. It will be broadcast live for video streaming on YouTube and other video platforms in addition to all the traditional audio-only podcast platforms. It will be sponsored by our supporters and monetized with ads. Applied Awesomeology is where the Pamalogy Society serves to incubate and accelerate visionaries who have world-changing ideas. Our goal is to cultivate an audience that seeks a better world. Some are looking for inspiration. Others are prepared to make change either by offering their professional skills pro bono to projects they support, or by contributing finances to the projects that our guests pitch. Guests will have about twenty minutes to interview with us, rather than the short span allowed in a typical pitch contest to angel investors like Shark Tank. We are also not investors but donors. Our audience is comprised of philanthropists who will support our guests simply because they love their ideas and want to see them realized.
Who Should Apply to be a Guest?
Guests will be vetted by the Pamalogy Society board of directors before they can come on the show. The guests must fit the criteria we approve. Please pay close attention to the following ten criteria for approval:
- Can be an existing 501(c)3 Non Profit Organization or one that is proposed. Does not have to be incorporated or tax exempt yet.
- Cannot be political or religious. It must serve to improve the world in some concrete non-political and non-religious way.
- We will not support legal advocacy or lobbying. The idea must make positive change by some other means.
- Can be for profit, but if it is for profit, it must be in a concept stage, not startup stage.
- If incorporated for profit already, it must be 100% owned by active participants committed to making the project move forward. No passive investors are permitted.
- If the project is for profit, the vision shared must convey how a high positive impact in the world is to be achieved.
- If the project is for profit, the founder(s) must guarantee through contract in writing that the project is not for future resale. The founders will remain the primary owners of the enterprise.
- Founders coming on as guests should have compelling stories stating what drives them to have this vision for change.
- Guests must submit a detailed business plan for review by our board. (Proprietary information may be redacted at the guest’s discretion. In some but not all cases we will sign NDAs.)
- Guests do not have to have either a for profit or non profit organization or a plan for one. Our audience is also simply interested in inspiring stories. What is your story? Did you write a book? Do you have a podcast and you are just looking to broaden your audience? We will have a wide variety of guests. Illustrating awesomeness is what we are looking for. Maybe all you want is more subscribers to your podcast – not the type of crowdfunding and crowdsourcing needed to begin many visionary enterprises. Our audience would like to be inspired by you.
My Story
My name is James Carvin. I am the founder of the Pamalogy Society. I have had many ideas I would have liked to see become realities in my sixty five plus years. And I love telling my own backstory on other people’s podcasts (though I’ll spare you the details here). Suffice it to say that if you interview me, you may wind up asking yourself if there is anything this man hasn’t done! The Applied Awesomeology podcast and guest criteria above was inspired by my own personal struggle turning my ideas into reality and knowing what it takes to succeed. Time and time again, I was unable to find the help that I needed to bring about the change in the world I was deeply passionate about. I either lacked funds, helpers or both. I would put together detailed business plans. I would convey my ideas and try to build teams and get help by posting some of my ideas on websites I built. And while I worked to get the help I needed, I would work long hours doing other jobs to pay my family’s bills. Sadly, over and over again, I found I would have to shelf my ideas for some other time because nobody had come along with the resources that I needed to turn my ideas into reality. Applied Awesomeology asks you what are you doing to maximize your personal awesomeness or the awesomeness of the world around you. Is your story inspirational? Who is helping you share it? Whether you just need to share your story or you need money or a team of helpers, Applied Awesomology is about turning dreams for a better world or local community into reality. The story of Applied Awesomeology is the story of addressing a problem almost every passionate person who has a vision for a better world has – most people lack the resources to make their dream come true. I founded the Pamalogy Society to help incubate worthy projects.
Contacting me
If you would like to be a guest on the show, DM me on Twitter @PamalogySociety. Additionally, you can join our private Pamalogy Group on Facebook.
Podcast Co-Host Wanted
I’m looking for the right fit. The candidate should be familiar with Awesomeology, the Pamalogy Society and the Season One podcast. Don’t worry about not knowing what that is just yet. There will be plenty of time to learn the basics of awesomeology before production begins. I just ask that you do your homework.

We’ll be changing a lot as we roll into Season Two – switching from a solo prerecorded format to a co-host live on video with invited guests. The focus will now shift too. It is going to be more down to Earth and practical and aim at non-academics. We are going to reach a wider audience interested in self-improvement.
Elevator Pitch
Think of Shark Tank but instead of sharks we have angels. Instead of investing in startups we help accelerate people with bright ideas and enthusiasm by asking for volunteer support for their projects and helping them raise funds. Plus, we’ll give our guests a full twenty minute entertaining interview that gives them more time and exposure, without the pressure associated with Shark Tank. In fact, we will vet them before the show to make sure our audience would likely support them and their ideas are great. Now, some in our audience will be opportunists. They’ll offer some number of professional hours for free and then want contracts for further work done. Let’s be real about that. But others are just happy to help any way they can and they will love what we are doing. We are literally seeking to maximize awesomeness.
Awesomeology is a science – but we’re not looking for theorists. We’re looking for illustration and inspiration as we help people make change in the world. Help me make this anything but dry. I want charisma. I want love. I want to make a huge difference in this world and I need your help. The co-host should have an upbeat personality, keep a show energetic, have good listening and interviewing skills and be prepared to treat the show like an entrepreneur, investing some money in advertising along with the show host (me). It’s okay if you profit as a sponsor on the show gaining exposure for some widget or service your sell. I would like you to bring some know how on technical implementation and production ideally. What can you bring to the table? Have you done successful podcasts before? Could you handle doing one show daily five days a week? How about six?
What is “Applied Awesomeology”?
“Applied Awesomeology” is the philosophy of what it means to be awesome or achieve or maximize awesomeness for one’s self and for the circle of communities one can influence or is part of. How can we make this world a better place and how can you maximize your personal awesomeness?
The podcast will interview interesting people who have found unique ways to exemplify or answer this question. Applied philosophy takes great theories and turns them into practice. I want to illustrate awesomeness and inspire people. I want to see if we can fund them, where needed.
I believe that there are a lot of people that would love to get a daily dose of inspiration from people who are showing one way after another how to be awesome, whether its living in the moment, or planning awesome things.
What we will and won’t talk about
Awesomeology is futuristic because it looks for the ultimate welfare of the whole planet, whether locally or globally. We will avoid discussion of politics because it is divisive. We are not joining one side or another. Expect us to be very delicate about that. On the other hand, we will sometimes get into theories of national and global improvement. Political theory and economic theory, as well as technological and environmental theory and practice and also social theory – all with positive illustrations, won’t be avoided unless they would result in arguments. But our focus is on individual illustration and interviews of people looking for donors and support.
The tone of the podcast is upbeat and positive. Our goal is to inspire our audience, not get them to join one sided political hatred in the name of causes. We are not an advocacy organization. We are here to inspire. We are here to be the change. I myself am very active in my faith community and love theology. We might even view awesomeology as godly living and as individuals view religous organizations positively, but the Pamalogy Society is not associated with any religious organization. It is simply a philosophical society dedicated to the philosophy of awesomeness.
History and Context of the Applied Awesomeology Podcast
Applied Awesomeology is Season Two (and beyond) of the Pamalogy Society Podcast. Season One was my solo podcast, which laid out the metaphysical principles of Pamalogy. Pamalogy is Poly Astronomically Maximized Awesomeology. Season One asked what Maximized Awesomeness is. It introduces the mission and scope of the Pamalogy Society. The mission of the Pamalogy Society is to fund and support high social impact projects in concept stage that are led by passionate individuals who wish to remain in leadership of those enterprises for life. We need to know they aren’t just starting something only to sell it to others who won’t appreciate their vision. We want their dreams to be realized rather than sold to profiteers.
OK. So What is the Pamalogy Society?
The Pamalogy Society is a separate entity from the Applied Awesomeology podcast, which can be viewed as one of its supported projects. Pamalogy itself is the philosophy of awesomeness. So consider the Pamalogy Society a society dedicated to maximizing awesomeness. This is set forth in pamalogy. Pamalogy divides awesomeness into two categories – worldly and metaphysical.
You may not know what metaphysics is. Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that covers hard to answer questions like how we got here, what our purpose is, whether there is a Multiverse, and what the basis of ethics should be, whether there is a God and if so, what sort of God we should expect. Metaphysical philosophy asks questions like “what is consciousness? There may be some occasional talk of God. But once again, Pamalogy is not a religion. It is philosophy. It would have to consider a set of Scriptures or traditions to be matters of faith. Its precepts are limited to what can be ascertained from reasonable arguments and foundational logic.
Pamalogy is a uniquely upbeat and very optimistic philosophy that is warm to theism, but it is not directly related to any organized religion or any philosophical organization other than itself. The Season One podcast explored what the Universe and this world would look like if Perfection (AKA Maximized Awesomeness) was a reality, rather than a mere hypothetical concept. Season Two will be entirely different – focusing on people and what they could do to maximize their awesomeness and ours.
The Pamalogy Society is still on the verge of incorporation. I wrote up its mission statement carefully several years ago. While the mission does include the teaching of the metaphysical philosophy of awesomeness for those interested in pamalogical metaphysics, the Society is practical. That is to say, that it seeks to apply awesomeology, not merely teach it. And just as the podcast has only one modest season discussing the metaphysics and the rest is applied awesomeology, so also is the Pamalogy Society itself about applied awesomeology more than it is about theortical awesomeology. Metaphysical awesomeology stays mostly in the background. You can find some deep stuff if you look for it but we’re mainly all about making the world a better place.
The Pamalogy Society Mission
The mission of the Pamalogy Society can thus be reduced to applied awesomeology, hence the new name of the podcast. It’s central focus will be on incubating visionary projects.
The podcast will be an illustration tool and an intake mechanism for determining what projects to fund. Guests may or may not be seeking funds for their world-changing ideas but the guests will be selected because they are visionaries, if not charismatic leaders. Projects that receive funds will be those that the Pamalogy Society board judges to have the best potential to make this world a better place.
There will be other criteria. First, we will seek financial support from our audience to fund great ideas. This will leave us with a limited budget. Second, we will limit funding to high social impact projects at the concept stage. Third, we will help incubate projects in the concept stage by being a conduit for team building and business plan improvement. Fourth, we will require that the innovators plan to stay committed to their projects and remain the sole share-holders of these projects so that their vision is not changed by investor profiteers. They must be stewards of their vision. Fifth, we will raise up a core team of startup specialists from our audience to work pro bono for specified periods of time according to their terms. These may continue to work for sweat equity after a predetermined amount of work hours have been offered or milestones achieved as these volunteers are willing.
Reaching Volunteers, Donors and Visionaries

Guests are making their elevator pitch, but its not like Shark Tank. We are not investors. We are giving them an audience and a whole show or portion of a show, with an interview format. They’ll be pre-vetted after they’ve applied to be guests. Our audience will know this. Proposed projects can either be non-profit or for-profit. Guests will be questioned with kindness and support. They won’t have made it to the show if their ideas lacked merit. There will be a formal application process. So rather than criticizing them, or playing devil’s advocate, the h0sts will tend to support the ideas for the audience, where any critical questions have normally been rehearsed prior to the show. The audience can then donate either to the Pamalogy Society general fund or to specific projects guests have proposed.
Do you think you’d be a great co-host for a show with a format like this? Whether you’ve got lots of experience and come with followers, or you just love this idea and think you’d be great at it, just apply.
Opportunity & Stewardship
The Pamalogy Society is not yet a corporate entity but the plan is to form a non-profit corporation once the board members have volunteered and been selected. The ideal co-host candidate is also an ideal Board member candidate, possibly with an executive-level position such as VP, but volunteering for the board is not required. As a non-profit there will be no pay for serving on the board.
This is not to say there is no opportunity or advantage that can come from serving. What opportunity exists for the co-host will be somewhat dependent on their entrepreneurial skills and interests. Exposure is a given. The candidate will gain increased recognition and public prestige. And there may also be some financial advantage that comes from being a founding sponsor without any conflicts of interest. Founding sponsors contribute financially to the show and get plenty of advertising space for whatever they wish to advertise. Thus, the ideal candidate has some business they would like to advertise and finds that an audience that is seeking inspiration and supports making the world a better place would be an ideal target for promoting those ideas.
I myself will promote my insurance business. I will regularly pay for sponsor level advertising to support the show and I will be paying for a certain amount of airtime to talk about my insurance business, as a sponsor of the show. Insurance is something everyone needs and can stand to learn about. My audience will trust in my insurance products, and that is how I will make my money. The co-host may have a similar product or service to promote. That is how they can make money by promoting the show too. If the co-host’s product or service is something that has a high positive social impact, the co-host stands a better chance of being selected.
We will also continue to promote the programs the Pamalogy Society has decided to fund and incubate and provide updates on how money and volunteer support is being used to benefit those programs once they’ve been started. People will profit. That’s what we do. And non-profits get supported. We do that too. It’s our mission.
Equal Opportunity
It should go without saying that in seeking a co-host there will be no discrimination based on gender, sexual identity, race, ideology, preference, age, disability, nationality or other factors. I am looking for good chemistry and compatibility with the mission described above and ultimately the choice to do business with a suitable candidate may be subjective and/or merit based. I hope to have many candidates to choose from. If you are not chosen, stick around. We may still be able to promote your skills and interests in other ways.
Contacting Me
Unfortunately, every time I’ve put up a contact form on this web site, I’ve been bombarded with robotic registrations and comments so I’ve stopped checking here. Instead, contact me on social media through the Pamalogy Society planning group or reach me on Twitter. My handle is @PamalogySociety and let me know you saw this page and that is what you are responding to. I’ll then send you an email address where you can tell me about yourself and send a curriculum vitae or resumé.